Karlo Hecimovic

Karlo is a dreamer. he started journaling his dreams and practice lucid dreaming since he was a kid in primary school. while other kids were playing football on the playground he was creating new worlds in his imagination. Karlo is a rebel at heart. he had always known that traditional education and schooling system will not take him to the places he had created in his dream world. therefore he had taken things in his own hands and started following his dreams. when he was 18 year old he moved out from Croatia, started traveling around europe and became a fashion photographer. since then he has worked as a freelance photographer and worked with many renown magazines, models and brands. one would think that all that glitz and glam would satisfy a man, but karlo had soon realised that creating beautiful images will not significantly change the world and bring the global consciousness on a higher level. after months of contemplating about his future, the blueprint of kalyss suddenly appeared in his dream, and he was REady to change his world. All of a sudden he had realised that he was never just a photographer, but a limitless being that can become anything he sets his mind to.